FAQ with Wayne

Are you fully vaccinated?

I have had a double and booster vaccination and I am fit and healthy.

Are you standing as an independent voice?

I’m standing with no affiliated to any party or any groups, I will be a strong independent voice for the people.

Do you agree with the 3 Waters reform?

I’m opposed to Central Government reforms that take the local voice away from decision making and outcomes for us. These reforms are simply taking community assets and will only add costs and delivery less.

What about the poor state of our shingle roads, the are dangerous?

We need to continue to challenge the government for an increase in Roading subsidy to help fund the network of unsafe and deteriorating roads. I also believe we need to look at the Roading and maintenance contract, a holistic approach where all parts work together, minimising costs and maximising outcomes and ultimately achieving “more stones on the roads”

Will you be an accessible councillor?

Often we only hear from our councillors every three years when the signs go up!
I will be only a phone call away, an active participant in the community. I will have an active website that will be another source of information to keep up to date with council’s projects, programmes and decisions. Improving the lines of community between council and you will achieve more, remember councillors have been elected to represent your views, issues and concerns.

Are you personally in favour of, or opposed to, the private plan change and proposed development in Ohoka?

From a rural background and as a farmer I'm very concerned of losing more good farming land which is sold and developed into houses and roads. Our country can not afford to lose anymore productive land that is being used to produce quality food locally and for export.

I'm opposed to the private plan change and landscape changing development in Ohoka and would support the council's decision to appeal this.

I support smarter housing developments with shared green spacers close to existing services, community facilities and care, transport, education and employment. Poorer quality land would be also my choice for future development and the infill of our towns now.

My Vision is for the District that doesn't lose "what makes it feel right" and part of this is to manage growth and development but also the need to care for the natural beauty and outstanding landscapes.