I have a common-sense approach to governance and make good decisions based on merit and facts, I’m someone your can trust, a safe pair of hands, a good listener, think practically and solution driven.

I have grown up in a small rural town and farming district where family and wider community rallied together to support each other and this has moulded the person I’m today.

Communities are made up of many different interest groups and give people the sense of belonging and are an important part of building a welcoming and inclusive community. These groups achieve more than just their activity as a bonus you get friendships, fun and support, everything you need to be a better person and the prefect place to grow. It’s why I believe Council should be empowering these groups with administration, leadership and governance support and guidance, problem solving and offering solutions. It may be simple as promotion with improved community signage areas or support for funding applications to having community vans to help with logistics. Council needs to work with and invest in these groups to support community incentives, programmes and projects to help achieve stronger community outcomes.

Encouraging neighbours to know their neighbours would help strengthen everyone’s resilience to deal with life’s daily challenges and difficulties, by speaking out or asking for help. This isn’t a sign of weakness but is a clear indication of a caring and family orientated community that doesn’t judge but is understanding and heartfelt. Remember the old fashion way of communication, catching up over a cuppa or a chat in the street, it has worked well for centuries. Council could play its part with a summer programme of community events that engages and brings the people together with a sense of belonging.

I don’t support Central Government reforms of Three Waters, it’s simply taking community asset which have been funded and maintained locally. The cost benefit analysis doesn’t support the government’s desire to restructure, the bigger the better method of delivery just adds costs to residents and achieves less. We need a council that continues to oppose the government on these and other reforms.

I will hold council to account, to deliver programmes and to set policies that make Rangiora and the District a rewarding place to live and do business. All ratepayers need to be receiving value for money, with affordable rates, fair process and an efficient delivery of services. Council needs to plan for future growth and development but at the same time care for the natural beauty and outstanding landscape of the district, we also can not afford to lose any more productive land into streets and houses. Smarter housing development with shared green spacers closer to existing services and infrastructure, community facilities, transport, education and employment.

I believe Status quo is not an option, changing nothing are just steps backwards, good enough is not an excuse to not challenge your thinking. I’m just an average guy who works hard to achieve my goals and expectations, my biggest critic but still challenge myself to do better, I focus on solutions, better outcomes and dealing with the cause not the result. I can connect with people and comfortable in a suit and a pair of gumboots.

As a new resident to North Canterbury, we made big life changing decisions deciding to leave my old hometown in Northland and make this District of new home, people ask “why did you choose Rangiora?”. I believe Rangiora choose us, our new property, view of the outstanding landscape and the welcoming of the people we met left us with a feeling of belonging. We have no regrets of our decision and I have enjoyed being part of two social running groups and Parkrun where I have met like minded people who care about and feel the same as I do about this special place. I have always been community focussed and will be an active participant, interacting and accessible to the community to help strengthen the lines of communication between council and you.

Empowering People and our community with a new perspective, you can trust me with your vote.

My promise to be “strong for the people”