My Background

A 4th generation Northland farmer, who with my wife and two young adult children now call Loburn, Rangiora home.

From the large sheep, beef and dairy farm to our lifestyle block my focus on sustainable principles that care for the land, livestock and people’s wellbeing hasn’t changed.

With my family I managed the Linton family farm on the shores of the Kaipara Harbour where we achieved a productive and sustainable agribusiness while improving the land and the environment impact. We were pioneers in adopting good farming practices and policies and were rewarded with the Regional Community and Conservation Environment Award (2009) for pest control and protection of coastal, bush and wetlands areas.

Growing up in a small rural community where the same bus driver took five-year-old me to school drove my children to school. With a backbone of pioneer families there was always a sense of belonging and pride and respect shown, the community’s support was always paramount. It was just natural to be involved and I have always been active in the community.

I was a Cub leader, JMB rugby coach and manager, A&P Show and Hall Committees, Primary and High School BOT Chairs and took part in various community fund-raising projects.

My leadership and governance skills have developed from my 20 years involvement with the NZ Young Farmers. Every year I held roles of responsibility and my achievements include National President (two terms) and a National finalist in the Young Farmer Contest.

Being part of the National Executive and the Management of the Young Farmer Contest I was in Wellington a lot working closely with agribusiness corporates and organisations on Policy, Finances, Sponsorship and Networking. I also had the opportunity to travel and spent time in Australia, Germany, Central and South America.

I have had experience as a Councillor in Local Government and understand the workings, responsibilities and duties of council including the frustrations of dealing with National Policy and Acts, I have worked on policies, Annual and Long-Term Plans, strategic planning and financial management and looked after the Roading portfolio for council. I challenged the Roading and Maintenance Contract to have a holistic approach where all parts of the programme worked together and ultimately achieve “more stones on the road”. We achieve value for money, proactive rather than reactive maintenance, practical solutions, and overall improved safer roads fit for purpose.

I’m an active outdoors person and enjoy most water sports even though my swimming isn’t flash so it’s safer to tramp, bike and run all here in our district’s outstanding backyard. My goal is to run Christchurch Marathon 2023 and take on some of the challenging peaks of the Southern Alps.

I’m just an average guy who works hard to achieve the goals and expectations that I set myself, I am my biggest critic but still challenge myself to do better. I look at problems as opportunities to improve, I focus on solutions and better outcomes and deal with the cause not the result.

I can connect with people and am comfortable in a suit and a pair of gumboots.

Dale Wilhelm – Manager Region Training Projects

“In life you occasionally get opportunities to meet truly nice people. When I met Wayne through a shared interest in running it was obvious straight away he was one of these people. He is always happy to chat and take genuine interest in listening and supporting those around him.”

Dr Jason Smith – Mayor of Kaipara District

Wayne Linton has been a civic and community leader in Northland’s Kaipara District for decades, with skills and smarts and relevant local government experience as a Councillor at Kaipara District Council. I’ve known him for many years and have worked with him closely. I endorse his candidacy for the Waimakariri District Council and know he’d make an outstanding contribution to the community of his chosen new place as a Councillor for Rangiora-Ashley Ward.

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